Eye of the Beholder

April 9, 2020

Hello, Org2Blog

Filed under: Org2Blog,WordPress — Tamer Mowafy @ 1:39 am
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I am writing this post using Org Mode within Emacs, or to be precise Spacemacs. Many might not know what these are, and I will probably write explaining what these wonderful pieces of software are, and why I am deeply in love with them. I am however writing this post in honor of my first trial of posting to my WordPress blog, using an Emacs extension called Org2Blog. This is quite exciting for me as it allows me to write my blog post from the comfort of my preferred editing environment. Most importantly, with Spacemacs, I can use the power of Vim‘s modal editing that I believe once you get used to it, you never feel satisfied by the usual text editing mode offered by all word processors and editors, including Emacs as it comes out of the box.

April 6, 2020

Back? Not Really!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tamer Mowafy @ 1:20 am

I am not back! Let’s make this clear. Who ever blogged in this place, some years ago, no longer exists. This is why I simply removed the few post ‘he’ left behind opting for a white slate (re)start. I should say, I had no regrets as I did so, nor do I think I will ever have any. That person is long gone. I feel nothing towards him. I can’t even recognize him as I would recognize someone I used to know.

But why come back to this long deserted place? It has been a very long time since I last wrote a blog post. I have, for quite some time now, held the belief that blogs belong to a time we have left behind. I still believe blogs will never be what once they used to be, or by any means have the influence they used to have. So coming (back) here has nothing to do with what, many years ago, had brought me to blogging. It has also died, both with the person who first created this blog, and the whole thing that blogging was.

The person who I am now, has just felt the need for writing something that is not meant for publishing as an article, with all the agonizing discipline I attach to that kind of writing. It happens that such discipline has made writing too difficult for me, most of the time, thus for years I had only so little published under my name. I have always had much more to say, but none developed enough, according to my rather strict criteria, for publishing.

Facebook posts were a nice alternative, but they have two main interconnected drawbacks: you learn to get so sloppy; and you actually commit whatever you post there to the trash bin of oblivion. I am too proud or vain a person to continue with either. Additionally, I have left Facebook, temporarily, as I intended then, or maybe for good, as I am starting to feel would be a better choice. I’ve been back to Twitter, but I don’t feel that comfortable there, I can’t be sure I will stay there for long, and the limit of characters number per tweet, even after being expanded, is still a pin in the ass. And, no, I don’t like the thread chained tweets, thank you!

So, here I am! Back to a place where I can write with the comfort of not sticking to overly strict rules, and as little exposure as there can be without committing my words to a private journal, something I failed to keep since I was ten.

Blog at WordPress.com.